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Wildres ilili staff - Technical Facilitator

Wildres Rodriguez Wood

 MSc, Technical Facilitator

Wildres, a native of Brus Laguna, Gracias a Dios, is the first Miskito woman to graduate with a degree in Biology. She is a specialist in artisanal fishing with indigenous communities and has over 10 years of experience in conservation, sustainable management of natural resources, rural development, artisanal fishing, community development, and research. Wildres is an advocate for the Miskito language and a defender of indigenous rights, particularly those of women and children. She serves as an Advisor to the Miskito Youth Network of Honduras (Miskitu wahmatiara aslika) and actively promotes alliances with indigenous governance structures. Wildres is also a founding member of ilili and has participated in the documentary “The Serpent of Shelmeca,” which highlights the threats faced by the Rio Plátano Biosphere Reserve.

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